I was apporached by a colleague to assist with possible repoair of turntable - speed instability. This Beocentre was delivered to my office - I was expecting a TT. What a well built and designed "music centre": possibly B&O version of a Pioneer rondo and all the others - no Tape deck though.
Iam not a tech or even remotely useful in this department but decided to check if this was a direct drive TT and found a broken be4lt which I am in the proces of sourcing basd on hints from 5tow forumites. Just thought I'd post the pics here for the record. Anybody operating a similar or the same machine? Picks on Flicker
Iam not a tech or even remotely useful in this department but decided to check if this was a direct drive TT and found a broken be4lt which I am in the proces of sourcing basd on hints from 5tow forumites. Just thought I'd post the pics here for the record. Anybody operating a similar or the same machine? Picks on Flicker