The right channel on the Beomaster 1000 receiver i just bought is dodgy (I knew that when i bought it). You can hear what's going on, but it's very scratchy and at a much lower volume than the left channel. So we hooked it up to my brother's scope and this is what we saw (left channel top, right bottom):
You can clearly see the top half of the right channel is missing, while the top is all there. That suggested one half of a push pull transistor pair was not working. Lo and behold, this is what we found: one of the transistors looked as if it had got very hot (see the melted plastic mounting), and measuring it showed it had indeed fried.
So now i just need to find one...

You can clearly see the top half of the right channel is missing, while the top is all there. That suggested one half of a push pull transistor pair was not working. Lo and behold, this is what we found: one of the transistors looked as if it had got very hot (see the melted plastic mounting), and measuring it showed it had indeed fried.

So now i just need to find one...