Blew my bonus , bought a Samsung Galaxy note 2..and a question...


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R.I.P. 5 June 2018
Jul 10, 2008
Reaction score
Cape Town
Bad eyes and diabetic neuropathy (loss of sensation in hands and feet) , fumbling fingers and the fact my wife got a S3 and I only had a S2 , prompted me to have a look at the note 2. Screen size and the stylus were the factors that were important. It also HAD to fit in my top pocket so a true 7" or bigger tablet was out.
Anyway , I sprung for one (R5.7k on Gumtree , sealed unit from a cell shop) and have played with it for a day..amazing device..... The stylus is a serious tool which does a LOT more than just pick stuff. Im prolly never gonna use
If you in the market for a phablet..this is it!!!
My question is this: I have a R135 top up contract which gets me 30mb of data ..I have almost R1000 of rolled over unused airtime..I don't make many calls..HOWEVER 30mb of data a month for this phone is just mickey mouse.
I use the phone at work and home , both locales have wifi so I don't use the data connection there , but maps , lattitude , on the go internet will eat up my 30mb fast!!! Should I buy data with my rolled over airtime? If I exceed the 30mb..will Vodacom charge me an arm and a leg for out of bundle data and deplete my roll over amt or will they just stop allowing me to use data (dont wanna get ripped off)
Whats a good data package? How much will I need? ..whats the best course for me re data...
I don't think I can change my contract as I just upgraded...not sure what that would entail tho..maybe they will allow me to change if I go for a more expensive contract...?