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AVForums Super Veteran
Not sure this belongs in DIY but I thought I'd share it anyhow as the DIY community is most likely to be in the market for wood, mdf etc.
Anyhow, I needed 16 linear meters of pine 100mm x 20mm (preferably 4m lengths) and looked at both Builders and Timber City. The longest length either had was 3m and the cost would be in the region of R800.
I subsequently went to a timber merchant and bought 4x 4.5m of 120x25mm pine planks and had them planed for a total cost of roughly R270! :faint:
Anyhow, I needed 16 linear meters of pine 100mm x 20mm (preferably 4m lengths) and looked at both Builders and Timber City. The longest length either had was 3m and the cost would be in the region of R800.
I subsequently went to a timber merchant and bought 4x 4.5m of 120x25mm pine planks and had them planed for a total cost of roughly R270! :faint: