In Tuesday's Cape Times there were several letters relating to the fact that the Cape Town region is rapidly running out of water, and insufficient is being done to save water and minimise its use. Even the use of boreholes will deplete ground water and soon there will be insufficient to extract
I am sure many people have installed "grey water" systems. Pool covers are also a good idea, and there are several suppliers offering a blue bubble product that floats on top of your pool. My neighbour had someone fit this bubble device to his pool and it looks ok and works well. The rather inept fellow who came to see me measured the pool as 9m x 3,5m. When his team came along, they brought a single piece 9m x 1.5m and made all sorts of excuses, blaming the rep, the fellows who cut it up, etc. I have not been able to get them back
There is a supplier in Montague Gardens who sells what they call "Thermal Blanket" in 1500mm widths. Anyone know how to join this together to make a wider piece?
I am sure many people have installed "grey water" systems. Pool covers are also a good idea, and there are several suppliers offering a blue bubble product that floats on top of your pool. My neighbour had someone fit this bubble device to his pool and it looks ok and works well. The rather inept fellow who came to see me measured the pool as 9m x 3,5m. When his team came along, they brought a single piece 9m x 1.5m and made all sorts of excuses, blaming the rep, the fellows who cut it up, etc. I have not been able to get them back
There is a supplier in Montague Gardens who sells what they call "Thermal Blanket" in 1500mm widths. Anyone know how to join this together to make a wider piece?