Car Jammed


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AVForums Grandmaster
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Thought I'd share the story as it may help someone.

On 7 January I went to meet a few friends at Hooters, Douglasdale from around 18:00 - 00.00. In the boot, we left two notebooks, an iPad Air and a suitcase with clothes, GHD, make up, jewellery etc as we were on the way to my place. It was close on R30k worth in the boot.

When got home just after 00:00 and opened the boot, we noticed most the items in my boot were missing. In fact, all of the above listed was gone - and the motorcycle helmet, gloves and leather jacket were put on the side.

I can only assume I was remote jammed I was furious because I'm one of the ones that check my car two or three times before walking off. I make sure I hear the car lock and am very vigilant of anyone near me. This time I dropped my guard and sadly, lost most of my items.

There is one piece of news I received yesterday :  a school in the area contacted us and told me the have our iPad, as we sent a note via iCloud that it was stolen. Apparently the students parents had bought it from someone and when the student used it, it came up with the screen and handed in. We got the iPad back (fantastic - as it wasn't insured) and I've asked to get the details of the guy it was bought from. Still waiting.

Just thought I'd share to remind anyone else to double check