Who cleans your equipment and with what?Many years ago I found our domestic worker wiping the dust off all my equipment with a wet rag. From there on I told her that she may not clean my hifi, I'll do it myself. But if you open it up there is a kg of dust inside the amp, it still works 100% and I don't want to fiddle where it doesn't itch and blow dust into the wrong places. One of the joys of staying in the Vaaldriehoek.
Who cleans your equipment and with what?
Many years ago I found our domestic worker wiping the dust off all my equipment with a wet rag. From there on I told her that she may not clean my hifi, I'll do it myself. But if you open it up there is a kg of dust inside the amp, it still works 100% and I don't want to fiddle where it doesn't itch and blow dust into the wrong places. One of the joys of staying in the Vaaldriehoek.