Clearaudio MC Concept and Ortofon MM's


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Jan 16, 2014
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Having had the pleasure of having had an Ortofon OM 5E, 2M Red and then the 2M Blue through my system over the last 8 months, I was most impressed with the 5E and the Blue.
Here is why:
Speakers; Sonus Faber Liuto Monitor
Amp; VA Predator (200W ed.)
Stage; Pro-ject Tubebox S
Source; Pro-ject RPM genie 1.3; Thorens TD 2015

Most of my music is rock and some blues.  Pressings from 70's to brand new. The 2M Red was just too revealing on defects, playing nicely on new releases, deep/full bass.  I was obviously skeptical regarding the Blue, as I reasoned it would be even more prone to noise. Well, to my surprise it opened the music, better separation of vocals and especially guitars on the blues tracks. Happiness again.

I started to keep an eye out for a MC as I have read some good things about them on the forum.  I then happened upon a new release of Throwing Copper.
Rushed home to listen only to be dissapointed by something lacking on the album, especially Lightning Crashes sounded flat, lacking in punch when the drums come into play.

So I put that one back in a corner and continued enjoying my other lp's. Then 2 weeks ago I got myself a Clearaudio MC Concept.  Took my time mounting it, not sure what to expect from it, nervous that I got some dip switch wrong on the phono-stage. All went well and I was surprised about the lack of any type of noise except for the clear guitar notes and vocals of Alan Taylor.
Then, out I pulled Throwing Copper. Suffice to say, I am sitting through side 1 and 2 and enjoying the richness of the sound.

Dilemma now, what do I keep and what is going. I am currently using the 2M Red on my secondary system which is more for casual listening, so maybe the 5E must stay.

I am more than happy with going MC, now to find different MC's, but only in a couple of month's time.


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