Cops going hi-tech at last?


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Cape Town
After Monday last week's incident when someone entered my property and got inside the house through the burglar bars and took some of my wife's jellery, there was another break-in last night.

We took the dog to Newlands for a walk along the Liesbeek. When leaving, we locked all windows and doors and set the alarm. During this time, someone entered the property, forced entry through one of the side wooden gates using a screwdriver.

Then, forcing entry by using a screwdriver on a wooden window frame and again crawled through the burglar bars. Before that, the bastid also tried to force entry through a patio door.

Anyway, as he/she opened the window, the alarm went off and Chubb must have arrived very quickly with the person still inside the hiouse.

Chubb entered the garden through the now open wooden gate, walked round the house and left as he didn't see anything.

We didn't take our phones on the walk due to a previous incident during our walks.

When we came back here, I saw from the alarm panel that someone had been inside, and also that Chubb had called me on the landline.

I called Chubb again, as well as the cops who arrived an hour later.

Nothing of much value was taken - despite lots of stuff laying around - phones, cameras, electronic gears etc but the perp only seemed to have wanted jewellery again.

The two cops attending here first, needed some really heavy persuading to open a case docket but eventually they did. I'm not interested in insurance claims - I'm only interested in providing them with an opportunity to so some detective work and find the perpetrator through fingerprints.

Anyway, the person left his cap here, his screwdriver and an empty bottle of fruit juice.

There were lots of opening of drawers and pedestal doors and scratching around. A pillowcase was taken off a bed to take things but we're still not sure what's gone.

My persuasion from last night must have worked as the fingerprint guy spend 4 hours here and he was well-equipped with cameras, another bag with about R200K's worth of special lighting apparatus etc and got lots of prints.

The fingerprint guy also told me at work they have only one of two special gadgets costing R500K in the country to 'see' fingerprints on just about any possible material.

Later this morning, two detectives also arrived so all in all, it looks like a real effort to do some proper detective work will come from this.



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