Criminal Savages in our midst


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Cape Town
Just read somewhere about a house robbery in KZN where a 4-month old child in its mother's arms were sprayed with pepperspray. The b@stards did that to the dogs of the house as well.

Burglaries and house robberies (including at my home) have escalated. Recent incidents next door, behind me, Sunday morning directly across the road from me, last Friday an opthalmogist and his wife were tied up, slapped around and robbed - two houses from mine.

A few days ago, I went to Wynberg SAPS offices to get updates of their sector policing numbers. The plan was to go to Claremont after that for the same information as our home is on the border between Claremont and Wynberg policing districts.

While waiting at the charge office counter, a SAPS official with the rank of brigadier approached me and asked if he could assist.

Brigadier Booysen of Wynberg SAPS invited me up to his office and we spent almost an hour talking about the problems where I live. This gentleman is a shining, outstanding example of what the SAPS should and could be.

He not only supplied me with the information I required, he also called Claremont SAPS and got their sector policing numbers for me.

When I came home, I typed-out the numbers, made copies for every single door in our home and also supplied the details to our immediate neighbours.

So, all is not doom and gloom with our SAPS protectors.


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