Denon - all is forgiven...


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AVForums Super Veteran
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
Have a Denon 2900 DVD player - was a big deal around 13 yrs ago when I bought it.  Many  expletives, Mandarin services, laser replacements etc etc etc later it's now standing idle with a stuck tray.

Long story short: I have a sizable dvd collection and am now discovering to my horror that said Denon was/is an All Region player which PS3, PS4 and my Yamaha Universal player certainly are not. A big chunk of my dvd's summarily obsolete.

Law abiding citizen that I am I've already searched the Net for hacks but none available for these machines.

Any ideas? Really reluctant to aid and abet the Fat Cats by duplicating dvd's I already own - some not cheap.