Just wanted to share my experience with my X4200w AVR. Over the past few months I have been experiencing something unusual in terms of bass boom on my system.
On startup of the system I often found that the subwoofers were receiving too much power so much so that it was drowning out the towers and centre and getting to a point where it gave you a headache.
After around 15 - 20 minutes of play the bass in the system would go dead as if the subs weren't even there. I had to increase the subwoofer gains as well as the gains from the "Tone" settings menu (this is the db setting from the results of Audessey) to get even an acceptable amount of bass.
Anyways, I did some research and found out it is the Dynamic EQ from the "Audio / Audessey" settings menu that was causing the problem. This setting was constantly adjusting the settings of the system which caused the effect of the bass boom and then the flat tone of the system.
Also switched of dynamic volume. System is now sounding 100s as before
Just something for fellow Denon owners to take note of......
On startup of the system I often found that the subwoofers were receiving too much power so much so that it was drowning out the towers and centre and getting to a point where it gave you a headache.
After around 15 - 20 minutes of play the bass in the system would go dead as if the subs weren't even there. I had to increase the subwoofer gains as well as the gains from the "Tone" settings menu (this is the db setting from the results of Audessey) to get even an acceptable amount of bass.
Anyways, I did some research and found out it is the Dynamic EQ from the "Audio / Audessey" settings menu that was causing the problem. This setting was constantly adjusting the settings of the system which caused the effect of the bass boom and then the flat tone of the system.
Also switched of dynamic volume. System is now sounding 100s as before
Just something for fellow Denon owners to take note of......