After listening to the impact of Dirac Room Correction Software, in Rodney's man cave last week, i took the plunge and downloaded the 14 day trial version, for mac.
My 'pooter ineptitude aside, i managed just fine. i used a XTZ pro mic and followed the easy step by step instructions to measure the room. I like that it measures each channel and calculates correction filters, for each channel. Also it takes measurements at 9 positions rather than just one.
Then a few clicks and Dirac weaved its magic and calculated correction filters. Changed the output in system preferences to Dirac and away we went.
I still need to experiment a bit and tweak my speaker placement/chair position to improve the "before" slightly - logic is to make Dirac do less work. Also need to experiment with limiting correction to low bass only to see what is preferred.
However, with the Dirac suggested curve (with full frequency correction) there was notable improvement in the SQ. Its easy to compare with a click of the mouse to switch in/out the Dirac processing during playback. I would have thought that the bass would be the biggest improvement, but like in Rodney's system, it was the mids and treble that improved the most. Not different - definitely better.
My writing skills (more precisely the lack thereof) prohibits an accurate description - but to sum it up - in comparison to Dirac being dialled in, the SQ without Dirac was in a word "flat". Prior to Dirac i would never have described - nor have those who have listened to the system before said - the sound as flat.
Like i said in Rodney's mega thread - i can't think of a better may to spend R5k, a little more if you want the miniDSP version.
For those with WAF issues, listening rooms that serve a dual purpose, restrictions in speaker placement - Dirac is (based on my initial impressions) the magic bullet to inject better sound. It will be far more effective than a new amp, CD player, DAC, cable, power cord, roller blocks etc etc. Plus you don't need unsightly bass traps or acoustic panels.
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My 'pooter ineptitude aside, i managed just fine. i used a XTZ pro mic and followed the easy step by step instructions to measure the room. I like that it measures each channel and calculates correction filters, for each channel. Also it takes measurements at 9 positions rather than just one.
Then a few clicks and Dirac weaved its magic and calculated correction filters. Changed the output in system preferences to Dirac and away we went.
I still need to experiment a bit and tweak my speaker placement/chair position to improve the "before" slightly - logic is to make Dirac do less work. Also need to experiment with limiting correction to low bass only to see what is preferred.
However, with the Dirac suggested curve (with full frequency correction) there was notable improvement in the SQ. Its easy to compare with a click of the mouse to switch in/out the Dirac processing during playback. I would have thought that the bass would be the biggest improvement, but like in Rodney's system, it was the mids and treble that improved the most. Not different - definitely better.
My writing skills (more precisely the lack thereof) prohibits an accurate description - but to sum it up - in comparison to Dirac being dialled in, the SQ without Dirac was in a word "flat". Prior to Dirac i would never have described - nor have those who have listened to the system before said - the sound as flat.
Like i said in Rodney's mega thread - i can't think of a better may to spend R5k, a little more if you want the miniDSP version.
For those with WAF issues, listening rooms that serve a dual purpose, restrictions in speaker placement - Dirac is (based on my initial impressions) the magic bullet to inject better sound. It will be far more effective than a new amp, CD player, DAC, cable, power cord, roller blocks etc etc. Plus you don't need unsightly bass traps or acoustic panels.
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