Discreet hearing protection for clubs?


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AVForums Super Veteran
Nov 9, 2011
Reaction score
Joburg - Fourways
Hey all!

Been a while, need some advice and hope some of you will be able to assist.

I am seriously thinking about getting some ear plugs / hearing protection for when I go out to clubs, concerts, festivals or other loud events. Although mainly for music related events.

However I do not want to look like an idiot with stuff in my ears, so something discreet is a must. I want to feel comfortable wearing them.
I have a nice pair of custom made ear plugs for my bike, however those are quite noticeable despite the fact that they are transparent.

Does anyone here know of any ear plugs which are low profile / discreet as in you can hardly see them in the ear or better yet - cannot even see them.
Also since this will be for music related events, I need the ear plug to be able to allow the music to sound decent still. Obviously the type of music at clubs and festivals is generally more electronic and far from audiophile grade I still want it to sound around as good as it would without the ear plugs.

Truth be told I am not too sure what sort of attenuation would be recommended either, however something is better than nothing. The main thing is for them to be discreet.

Any ideas or products which you might use?


EDIT: Something like this might work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjf4dSzUGs0
Seems quite discreet to me and 24dB average attenuation should suffice? Now to find them locally is the issue, don't think you can get them locally. To import a pair will cost the same as getting custom made ones locally :S