DMCA Takedown Notice - Copyright infringement


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AVForums Veteran
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Cape Town
Hi Guys,
Just wanted to pose a quick question - As some of you may well have seen on this site I have posted images of a very cool installation featuring some very nice lighting effects.

Long story short I have found the images being used as a banner on a lighting provider's website. I have called them a twice today to try and get hold of the right people in charge to discuss the slightly annoying copyright infringement by using my images. to no avail.

i will follow up with them again tomorrow and hear what they have to say, as they're using it, along with another image of an installation in london. Being the official Artcoustic representative in SA I have been granted rights to use it here locally, but this also has been pilfered and placed on their slideshow on their website.

other than ask them kindly to either remove the images, or come to some other agreement with me, what are my options if they don't co-operate?

