Interesting to see over the past two decade how things have changed ... and how messy I was 
Granted - I was 21 with the first photo, but I didn't care about aesthetics or cable management or anything. There were systems before this (Yamaha/Infinity) and plenty equipment changes in-between - but this was interesting to see the change.
I have also gone the far more simply route, hiding as much as possible and showing the bare minimum.
I've settled on a (mainly) Elac / Emotiva setup
Granted - I was 21 with the first photo, but I didn't care about aesthetics or cable management or anything. There were systems before this (Yamaha/Infinity) and plenty equipment changes in-between - but this was interesting to see the change.
I have also gone the far more simply route, hiding as much as possible and showing the bare minimum.
I've settled on a (mainly) Elac / Emotiva setup