Fedgroup - Impact Farming Investing


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AVForums Grandmaster
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Mods can delete this, if they feel it contravenes anything - but I think we have a fair amount of investors on the forum, who may be keen to learn more :

I've done some reading on this Impact Farming and I think the concept is really great! Fedgroup (group that offers RA /life cover/ insurance etc) have actually implemented the idea and - although I've invested in traditional JSE - I like the thought of having something else. Site below :


Basically the idea is that rather than the 'old' way of investing in companies or stocks, one rather invests in a physical 'thing' that can generate you an income and pay out at harvesting. Currently they have solar, blueberry and honey - where you actually buy a solar panel, a physical blueberry bush or a full hive. The returns, the longevity and the companies are all listed on the site - so there's full transparency. There's an Android/iOS app that you can register and start buying / investing already.

I'm just trialing and bought two blueberry bushes (United Exports) for R500.00 - these bushes last 8 years and although the project ROI current is only 4%, going forward you're looking at 20%+. I wanted to get a solar panel, but they're too expensive to try at this stage .... ;)

If anyone on here reads and decides it is something, I do have a referral code (00WLGTW) that I'd appreciate you use if you sign up - but really no stress if you aren't keen

So here's 'my' blueberry farm .. hehe!



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