Yes, that's what I'm thinking, but I need to measure the sub pre-out voltage to confirm - my ears could be deceiving me. I tried with my el-cheapo multimetre, but I don't know what I'm doing and I think it's sensitive enough - from Googling, it seems like the sub pre-out should be putting out 2V.Or it could also be the sub that is defective in some way?I think [USER=31246]@emildev[/USER] is going to score a case of really nice wine in January
Yes, that's what I'm thinking, but I need to measure the sub pre-out voltage to confirm - my ears could be deceiving me. I tried with my el-cheapo multimetre, but I don't know what I'm doing and I think it's sensitive enough - from Googling, it seems like the sub pre-out should be putting out 2V.
Or it could also be the sub that is defective in some way?
I think [USER=31246]@emildev[/USER] is going to score a case of really nice wine in January