So some time ago I got an old Philips radiogram. Based on the styling I immediately assumed it to be from the 1950s.
Upon opening it up, I found a very nice, very mint pair of Philips AD 3800 M drivers. 8" full range with the octagon frame. Sadly one of them had some holes poked in its cone and whizzer :headbanger:
At first I really didn't think I wanted to fix the holes, but OCD got the better of me :tongue:
My first experiments (with printer paper) involved me using a q-tip with hot water to manipulate the paper in place, then put a dab of SUPER GLUE on it. This was clearly not going to work as it added too much overall mass to the cone, and it also didn't look the part.
I then contacted Andre, who likes to casually mention things. One of which was the fact that he has fixed paper cones in the past. I asked him how he does it, and he says the following...
So that was it! I did some more experiments on printer paper, and the results looked very promising.
What I ended up doing was very simple. Use hot water and a q-tip to manipulate the paper from the exit wound. Mix some wood glue with water (I made it 1 part water, 1 part glue). Use another q-tip to spread the watered glue on both sides of the cone. Cut open a tea bag with scissors, then use the q-tip with the glue to lightly hold the piece of tea bag, and place it on both sides of the cone.
Here are some pictures of the results...
This worked very well! I patched it last night and checked this morning. When rubbing my thumb across the piece of tea bag and paper cone, it was clear that the glue solution worked like a bomb! Does not feel like it's about to come off, or anything; it's on there for good!
Thanks for looking! Hope this helps someone :thumbs:
Upon opening it up, I found a very nice, very mint pair of Philips AD 3800 M drivers. 8" full range with the octagon frame. Sadly one of them had some holes poked in its cone and whizzer :headbanger:
At first I really didn't think I wanted to fix the holes, but OCD got the better of me :tongue:
My first experiments (with printer paper) involved me using a q-tip with hot water to manipulate the paper in place, then put a dab of SUPER GLUE on it. This was clearly not going to work as it added too much overall mass to the cone, and it also didn't look the part.
I then contacted Andre, who likes to casually mention things. One of which was the fact that he has fixed paper cones in the past. I asked him how he does it, and he says the following...
So that was it! I did some more experiments on printer paper, and the results looked very promising.
What I ended up doing was very simple. Use hot water and a q-tip to manipulate the paper from the exit wound. Mix some wood glue with water (I made it 1 part water, 1 part glue). Use another q-tip to spread the watered glue on both sides of the cone. Cut open a tea bag with scissors, then use the q-tip with the glue to lightly hold the piece of tea bag, and place it on both sides of the cone.
Here are some pictures of the results...
This worked very well! I patched it last night and checked this morning. When rubbing my thumb across the piece of tea bag and paper cone, it was clear that the glue solution worked like a bomb! Does not feel like it's about to come off, or anything; it's on there for good!
Thanks for looking! Hope this helps someone :thumbs: