Formal Apology to @PJH


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AVForums Member
Jan 3, 2016
Reaction score
This is my formal apology to @PJH

We were suppose to meet today for a demo on my projector setup. He called this morning saying he would be running a little late.

He later arrived at my complex and the security dialed my number.

Now this is where the mess comes in. I am with telkom mobile and my network can change between them and MTN just by moving 1 step in my house.
Its very annoying because when this happens, i have no reception for a few minutes or even longer.

The security couldnt get through to me and neither could @PJH.

I only received sms of their missed calls 20mins later. I tried calling @PJH but he wouldnt answer

I have since sent him an sms and voicemail apology.

I am not making any excuses but just wanted to formally apologize to everyone.
I am also very pissed off with the security as they know me  personally; and that i work from home. My place is also the 2nd closest to them.

I have a 100% feedback score on carbonite and have dealt in many deals before and can assure you this has never happened before.