Not sure if posting in the correct place but here goes , I found one of these guys hidden away at pawn shop today . A few questions ?
Is it worth buying as there is no needle
But seem otherwise in good condition
I am useless at DIY and ESP technical stuff so what kind of cost would I be looking at to get it into a working condition . I would love to use on my old Nad 3020 or even the integra 70.4
What should I be on the lookout for if buying it etc
What would be a fair price to pay for it ?
Is it worth buying as there is no needle
But seem otherwise in good condition
I am useless at DIY and ESP technical stuff so what kind of cost would I be looking at to get it into a working condition . I would love to use on my old Nad 3020 or even the integra 70.4
What should I be on the lookout for if buying it etc
What would be a fair price to pay for it ?