Germany as an emigration option


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
innie Kaap
I'd like some opinions from people with first hand experience/knowledge.

I've been approached a recruitment company in Germany who are looking for candidates who are english speaking and with my particular skill set with a fairly niche market product. They have various positions at various companies around the country and I have already gone through a telephonic interview. I have been requested to do all the mandatory skills matrix and Europass CV documentation which I've completed. The companies would obviously sponsor me in terms of a work permit and cover the relocation costs so on the surface it appears to be too good to be true.

I however have no clue as to the indicative market related salaries or indeed what salary would be required to live comfortably. I know that is a bit of a how-long-is-a-piece-of-string question but does anyone have some guidelines? Also what is the social security like, public services, healthcare costs etc. This is key as my wife was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease three years ago and requires specialized treatment. I did point this out to the recruiter and she assured me that that would not be a problem but I would prefer first hand knowledge.

Also, what is their attitude toward English speakers? (I know the French are deliberately obtuse if you do not speak their language) I do imagine I would learn German over time.

Thanks in advance, I may pose more questions in due course

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