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user 1447

AVForums Grandmaster
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
Saturday Night and the ICC arena in Durban was rocking to the sounds of the seventies and eighties

I went in to watch KOOL & THE GANG live ..... headed by Robert Kool Bell and as old as these guys are they still are as talented as ever

If you are into funk and soul and R&B of the eighties you would wish to be there - this was a really great event that i wish i had access to in the eighties. The only small minor blight is that i wish they got hold of James J.T. Taylor to come and do the vocals but it was still closely true to his original voice with Charlie Macmillan doing a decent job

the security could not prevent all hell breaking loose and eventually the front of the Arena became one huge dance floor with loads of people streaming forward to let loose and have fun

My ears are still busing cos i was sitting in the fifteenth row and trust me it was plenty loud - the bass was making my trousers flap around with wind and it wasnt boomy at all (the full range sound was extremely loud) but be that as it may it was still fun to hear all my old favourites from this legendary band - i really wish we get to see more favourites like this - i would die to see Shalamar with Jody Watley and Howard Hewitt being present  and also maybe The Whispers as well

Great fun