Going Nuts & Wasting Time Going Round in Circles: Advice Please


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AVForums Grandmaster
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Feb 1, 2010
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Randfontein, West rand
I got hold of a set of B&W 704s at a good price.  But as most of us have discovered - change one thing in your system and the sound changes :headbanger:.  Now I'm in a conundrum.  I'm looking for an amp to drive them.  The Rotel RMB-1066 (150 watts x 2 into 8 ohms) that I have looks good on paper, but I still feel it lacks the power that the 704s need.  I tried a NAD C350 as a preamp with the Rotel, but NADs to me have spongy bass that encroaches on the midrange.  You get a full sound at the expense of separation.  The C350 was probably not a good match for the 704s. 

I've seen a few Marantz integrated amps come up from time to time - eg. MARANTZ PM17 MK2 KI AMP for R5750 on AVSA.  The Newer Marantz PM6005 has an optical input which I like.  But I'm not sure if these amp will drive the 704s.  Please suggest integrated amps around the R5-R7.5k mark, or any other recommendations. I know the PM6005 is more, but I'll hold out for a second hand one.  Not sure if the Rotel RA12 will drive the 704s?

Ideally I'd like a good stereo set-up, using the 704s as the speakers, and possibly the Rotel RMB1066 as a power amp.  Alternatively I'll sell the Rotel and put the money towards a strong integrated amp.  Failing this I'll sell the 704s and get speakers which are easier to drive.  I should get a good price for them since they're in excellent condition and have bespoke plinths.  Then I'd perhaps get a good set of bookshelves.

So as you see, I'm going around in circles here.  Please advise:

Either recommend a good preamp to match the Rotel, OR
A strong integrated amp to replace the Rotel, OR
Good speakers (floorstanders or bookshelves) around the R8k mark to replace the 704s

Most of my music is on a media player running off an optical cable, so an amp that has optical inputs is ideal, failing which I'd need to get a cheap DAC later on. 

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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