Well for me anyway. Received a sms from SAPS today, stating that new license card for my Colt .45acp has been issued.
I was expecting problems as I was not aware that firearm license renewals must be done 3 months before expiry of current license. My old license expired 31st. January, 2016 and I was only going to renew it at the beginning of January, 2016 after the Xmas holidays etc.
Lo an behold on the 30th. November, I received sms from SAPS informing me of the 3 month renewal issue. I made application on the 1st. December, already 1 month late. On the application form they specifically ask whether the application was made 3 months before expiry of existing license and if not, why not etc. In my mind this could be used as an automatic excuse to refuse license renewal.
Just a heads up to every one with a firearm license, check the expiry date and make sure you apply for renewal 3 months before then.
I was expecting problems as I was not aware that firearm license renewals must be done 3 months before expiry of current license. My old license expired 31st. January, 2016 and I was only going to renew it at the beginning of January, 2016 after the Xmas holidays etc.
Lo an behold on the 30th. November, I received sms from SAPS informing me of the 3 month renewal issue. I made application on the 1st. December, already 1 month late. On the application form they specifically ask whether the application was made 3 months before expiry of existing license and if not, why not etc. In my mind this could be used as an automatic excuse to refuse license renewal.
Just a heads up to every one with a firearm license, check the expiry date and make sure you apply for renewal 3 months before then.