Growing the forum


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AVForums Grandmaster
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
The forum has not yet reached its critical mass yet, so one should encourage as many interersted partied to join, even if they just look by once a week or so or lurk around for a while. Sooner or later they will catch onto something of interrest and start to participate. Here in SA the hi-fi crowd is very isolated and mostly exposed to the magazines who often can get away with murder (*snip*).

There will eventually be some growing pains, but it is important for some stable figures to stick around and that one never takes on a ad hominen negative attitude. Conflict is inevitable (like the bi-wiring discussion a little while back for instance) with multiple strong views but part of the exercise.

I find that the RSS feed has been the largest plus point of this forum (go phpBB, it just sits on my firefox tolbar with the latest threads linked up). Now if it could perhaps indicate last poster on a topic as well then it would make it very powerfull indeed and cut down on used bandwidth (another growth issue would be advertising). Later on one could even have individual feeds by forum/ section...etc.

Just my 2c