Hardwood floor & rug or carpeting


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AVForums Super Veteran
May 25, 2010
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South Africa
Having commenced renovation of my listening space I would appreciate some advice re flooring.  The room measures ~7m x 5m and has brick and plaster walls, a concrete floor and a gypsum ceiling. Up until now the floor has had a thin/ industrial carpet tile installed with a ~4x4m medium pile carpet placed in front of the speakers to behind listening position.

I recently installed solid rosewood flooring throughout my home (except in the listening room) and I'd love to go with rosewood flooring again (20mm hardwood) but am worried it'll ruin the room's acoustics, which I've managed to get pretty good using chunk traps, absorption and some diffusion.

It's been suggested that I float the floor on battens no more than 12" apart and place LF absorption panels inbetween the battens to ensure the floating floor doesn't become a tympanic resonator. A conventional install would simply entail sticking the rosewood atop a 3mm heavy duty foam underlayer called Elastilon, which is in turn atop a plastic moisture barrier.

So after that long winded explanation I have the following questions:
- should the hardwood flooring be avoided, installing carpet instead, or will a suitable rug placed in front of speakers to behind listening area do the trick?
- if hardwood flooring is an acceptable option, would you use battens as suggested or just do the traditional installation using the Elastilon underlay?