No, but years ago I learnt a hard life lesson. Do not let strangers into your house.To this day, I really dislike allowing strange people into my house. I was a student and was sharing with a mate of mine. We were both young and he had just started working. He was like many youngsters, a bit irresponsible with money and ended up owing some money on a hire purchase agreement that he could not repay. Debt collectors arrived at our flat one day and wanted to attach some of his belongings, including my pride and joy, a 6 head state of the art Hi-Fi VHS machine. I told them it is mine and they cannot take it.About a week later those same debt collectors were caught red-handed breaking into our flat attempting to steal my VHS machine. (and other items)
No, but years ago I learnt a hard life lesson. Do not let strangers into your house.
To this day, I really dislike allowing strange people into my house. I was a student and was sharing with a mate of mine. We were both young and he had just started working. He was like many youngsters, a bit irresponsible with money and ended up owing some money on a hire purchase agreement that he could not repay. Debt collectors arrived at our flat one day and wanted to attach some of his belongings, including my pride and joy, a 6 head state of the art Hi-Fi VHS machine. I told them it is mine and they cannot take it.
About a week later those same debt collectors were caught red-handed breaking into our flat attempting to steal my VHS machine. (and other items)