HDMI switchy thingie


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AVForums Member
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
OK so yes the subject is vague but I don't know what it's called sorry....

I have all my media etc running in the lounge and in the study is the main server streaming all sorts of things but all outputs to the lounge via the AMP (Yamaha RX-V 765), PS3 and the Mede8er (love that device).

Now when I am lazy I don't want to sit in the lounge I want to be able to do all that stuff (PS3, Mede8er etc) on my bedroom TV.

The bedroom setup is a Sony Bravia 37" and it has four HDMI in's :)

Now all my devices i.e.:

x2 XBOX 360's
x1 PS3
x2 HD PVR's
x1 Mede8er

All into the AMP then on HDMI out into the TV .....

My question, is there some sort of HDMI switchy thing I can plug in the HDMI out from my AMP that will then split the signal to the TV in the lounge and same signal to my bedroom TV (Single HDMI).

I have a Logitech Harmony that black one thingie that has the touch screen etc and can get that to work in the bedroom and control everything in the lounge... I just want your guys advice what I need to buy to get the same signal thats going to my TV in the lounge to my TV in the bedroom for those lazy days :)

Also anyone know what a 25 or 30m HDMI cable (if you get them) costs, I don't need the R1000 a meter HDMI cable just need a good old HDMI cable that will allow me to get the picture and sound to the bedroom :)

thank you for your help and time guys (and gal's)