help needed in choosing cd player


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AVForums Member
Feb 2, 2010
Reaction score

I need some help in choosing a dedicated cd player. My dilemma is this, I have ordered a Cambridge Audio 651A stereo amp but am torn between the Cambridge Audio 351C and 651C cd players.

The price difference between the 2 is approximately R2500. Now the question is does the difference in CD players of the same brand make a sonic difference especially considering the price difference.

The 651C has a dual dac and has some trickle down features from their dedicated DACMagic etc but will it be that much of a difference from the 351C which has a slightly inferior single wolfson DAC.

I have read the reviews of both players on What-Hifi but take the stuff on those with a pinch of salt, hence my question to you guys who i think know quite alot.

So please help me make a choice here, and btw i have owned Cambridge products in the past and really like their sonic signature.
