How not to DIY


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AVForums Grandmaster
Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
Cape Town
Sitting in KK's shop can be interesting with the assortment of people that pass and the few HiFi nuts that enter.

So, in walks this fellow who is at his wits end trying to reach audio nirvana. Some bloke (who has now had a stroke and cannot communicate) built him this valve amp and valve pre-amp and now it does not work.

Off the bat KK and I are looking at other when we realise that he broke both KT66 valves on the trip over the weg to Plumstead  :Ooooooh:

But then he produces the goods  :moron:

Kent Kassler said:
:giggle:....i opened up the hardboard SET amp and thought ag lets fire it up......mein gott!!!!blue lightening......shame man this oke got taken bad,think i will give him the Dynaco when finished.....i wish i had taken a pic to post,you okes would be rolling in the aisles.Anyway'something to look forward to in the morning.Will send it to you early.

How NOT to DIY  :puke:  :cr@p:  :puke:  :cr@p:

How not to DIY

How not to DIY

How not to DIY

How not to DIY

How not to DIY

How not to DIY

All very well if this is for oneself but the poor fellow was charged lots of money for this effort  :sulky: