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AVForums Member
May 21, 2014
Reaction score
cape town,best place to be
Hi guys.
A couple of weeks ago i got myself a hybrid b900 mk5 amp. Like most of you i also have a coupke of hifi amps, one being a nad 3100pe.i love these amps and this my second one.
i got the nad in a non working condition. Fir the past 4 years that i have it, ive never had time to fix it. From what ive heard and read, its not the easiest amps to work on.
So i was thinking, would it be possible to transfer the hybrid internals to the nad and keep the nad pre amp section and have it working as one?
How would i power the pre amp section and how do i integrate it wiith the b900?
Also, will i be able to keep bass and treble functions?
If i do mange to pull this off, i would use the hybrid chassis to build a new chassis over which the nad panels can go over. I dont know yet how i will use the hybrid controls and screen.

Any advice will be highly appreciated

Kind regards

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