I feel torn


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AVForums Member
May 24, 2015
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I feel torn. I listened to my first CD in 1987 when my brother bought a player. I was 11. I had a record player before then and my parents bought me afrikaans popular music and childrens records. I started buying my own CDs and cassettes from about 13 and it's been only CDs since about age 15. I'm 39 now and recently got my hands on some LPs and started listening again. These records were well cared for so were clean. They sounded great. Better than I expected, but I couldn't get past the pops and crackles so I put everything away again and went back to digital (CD and iTunes). I listened to the same albums on digital that I did on LP and it just felt like I enjoyed the digital versions less. Why did enjoy the LP versions more? How could this be? I'm an electronic engineer and in every measurable way (wow/flutter, noise, stereo separation) CD is superior to  LP.

Yet, I find myself taking the records and turntable out more often lately. The iPod just lies on the shelf...


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