So, yesterday I discovered my dads old Thorens 160 with a planar something arm and a Goldring 1022 Cartridge.
Listening to Dire Straits and some incredible recordings of Handel and Beethoven works is pure bliss!
The system is nothing spectacular, a pair of Quad 21Ls driven by a 1983 Technics amp and the Thorens.
Beats the remastered CDs everytime!
On a side note, my dad has a "SME Series III S" arm, is it still worth anything?
It is currently boxed and unused, so maybe if it is decent someone might be interested?
Long live Vinyl!
Listening to Dire Straits and some incredible recordings of Handel and Beethoven works is pure bliss!
The system is nothing spectacular, a pair of Quad 21Ls driven by a 1983 Technics amp and the Thorens.
Beats the remastered CDs everytime!
On a side note, my dad has a "SME Series III S" arm, is it still worth anything?
It is currently boxed and unused, so maybe if it is decent someone might be interested?
Long live Vinyl!