i just declared undesirable by home affairs.


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user 15496

AVForums Veteran
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
merry xmass.

i just got labelled undesireable , section 30 (1) after i collected my spousal visa aplication at vfs. not even at the airport leaving sa.. am in south africa 8 years on valid permits and can apply for permanent residence. i am married for 5 years to sa spouse. i needed temporary ressidence first and had an older pending permit aplication

They now have breached my constitutional right to be in sa with my spouse. i have 10 days to apeal or **** of...  are these guys nuts?

lets do that with their ******* family!

my company is apealing i believe, but wtf.. zimbabwians get wavers and they reject my application on what ground?

just need to rant.. upset, dissapointed. posting this all over the show.