I had a mishap today as the feed from the Solar Panels were high and my connecting cable was not ample and it blew.
I lost the PVE (Solar panels) and measure the usage on my main feeder system outside.
Then I fixed the feed and measured again after a longer time window. Results are
The 1kW is at a longer duration with the panels on compared to without (7kW)
Nearly there, sparky is doing magic on my board (I have 3-phase) to separate the Geysers and Stove
I lost the PVE (Solar panels) and measure the usage on my main feeder system outside.
Then I fixed the feed and measured again after a longer time window. Results are
The 1kW is at a longer duration with the panels on compared to without (7kW)
Nearly there, sparky is doing magic on my board (I have 3-phase) to separate the Geysers and Stove