Hi All I'm new posting here but i have soaked up allot of knowledge from all your posts.
My Name is Nick and I'm from Capetown, i have been interested in all aspects of audio my entire life and i have recently stumbled on a nice project.
My Grandfather has left us a pair of klipschorns, which have been played into the ground by some tenants we had.
So we opened the one up and it became clear we need a full restore Crossovers, all wiring diaphragms the works.
I have been searching the net for all of these components and i have found many stockists.
What i would like to know, do we have any local guys who will stock any of the Khorn components?
And is there someone in Capetown that can re cone the Drivers?
I will post a pic heavy step by step post of the restore when we start.
Any help will be very much appreciated.
My Name is Nick and I'm from Capetown, i have been interested in all aspects of audio my entire life and i have recently stumbled on a nice project.
My Grandfather has left us a pair of klipschorns, which have been played into the ground by some tenants we had.
So we opened the one up and it became clear we need a full restore Crossovers, all wiring diaphragms the works.
I have been searching the net for all of these components and i have found many stockists.
What i would like to know, do we have any local guys who will stock any of the Khorn components?
And is there someone in Capetown that can re cone the Drivers?
I will post a pic heavy step by step post of the restore when we start.
Any help will be very much appreciated.