It?s all over. I?ve heard Zu Druids


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AVForums Super Veteran
Feb 18, 2017
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What can I say. Everything I thought I knew about how a Hifi should sound is BS. Forget front row, you?re ON the stage. In fact, your ears are the lead mic, and everything else is placed further in front and to the sides, depending on the recording.
Now, don?t get me wrong, they take a bit of getting used to. At first, I wasn?t sure how I felt about the sound. But the ear adjusts, and it all just falls into place.
I didn?t get to listen to mainsteam rock, and tracks with deep percussion. Reading reviews and Zu?s website, leads one to believe they can go quite low, but that wasn?t my experience. My first instinct would be to pair them with the FANTASTIC JL Audio sub I heard at JeandreB, with room correction.

Apparently, they?re not to everyone?s taste. I can completely understand why. But since hearing them, I?m wondering if there isn?t something sort of in between the run of the mill box speaker, and the Zu. Listening to my humble Boston?s at home, I now find myself yearning for that amazing midrange, but just dialled back a little.

Thanks a lot Seanjammy. You?ve ruined Hifi for me.