Joburg Water / plumber advice


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AVForums Grandmaster
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
Jukskei Park - JHB
Hi Chaps

I came home one monday evening to water gushing out of the ground at my meter and the dials spinning like crazy. I promptly phone them and reported it.. indicating that the dials are spinning and that I didn't want to be charged for the water. They eventually came out on that Friday, looked at it and walked away saying "Not my job" as the leak was behind the meter. After work I dig everything up, saw what was wrong, rushed to the hardware shop to buy the stuff and fixed it that evening.

Needless to say I now got whopping R8k waterbill. I phoned them up but now they say I need a plumber's report to say when it was fixed and what was done etc.

I took photos of everything that was wrong and how I fixed it.. even of the mater readings... but what now.. I don't have the report? Are there any plumbers out there that can help me or any other advice :help:

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