So after 38 TO-3 Motorola power transistors went I stripped the KAV to component level, threw away the PC boards.
I now have a huge 1500VA toroidal, nice strong +- 100V power supply with delayed switching. and Nice strong Krell case and 2 Heatsinks.
Any idea what I can build into this ?
Anyone got a 250/350W clone ? Ill consider 100W too.... less will be crappy
I have a crazy idea, build a VALVE amp in with valves mounted on top.... just to pssss Krell off for building such a crap amp.... the KAV250 was their "burning bright" amp.... notorious.
I now have a huge 1500VA toroidal, nice strong +- 100V power supply with delayed switching. and Nice strong Krell case and 2 Heatsinks.
Any idea what I can build into this ?
Anyone got a 250/350W clone ? Ill consider 100W too.... less will be crappy
I have a crazy idea, build a VALVE amp in with valves mounted on top.... just to pssss Krell off for building such a crap amp.... the KAV250 was their "burning bright" amp.... notorious.