Lightning protection


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AVForums Super Veteran
Sep 25, 2007
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For many of us up here in GP it's that time of the year again when lightening becomes a real problem.
I use Clearline protectors , one for PC's, one for dedicated stereo system and one for the TV system.

I decided a long tome ago that even if a protector impeded SQ to a degree, I would rather have a system to come home to that possibly could sound slightly better, than come home to popped equipment.

As it turns out, the protectors/filter have to my ears enhanced audio and video.
In fact when plugging the TV into the filter/protector, it was my wife who commented that picture quality had improved.

Getting decent lightning protectors should also help for power surges and the local rag has reported that quite a few homes in the area have suffered damage, from exploding lights to blown electric equipment due to surges. These apparently occur when thieves steal power cables.

Your alternatives are to unplug everything whenever you think it might rain. leave everything plugged in and hope, or get some form of protection.

My choice of clearline was based on a few things.
Firstly The GP area has one of the highest incidences of lightning in the world (something like more in one or two months than the entire US in a year)  and this should mean that they have learned a thing or two about making products that actually work.
Secondly the are local and I try support local companies when I can .

And no I'm not sponsored by them and I paid for all my protectors.

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