Entire list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTXjxK1PmiVdrmwDJJ156K1cFUc9kiXYU8E4VUDdYB-vbwDM5zoi3KddrVWrgr0OPHpxHtpwuJovcuq/pubhtml#
(Not absolute, is work-in-progress. Excludes OEM/driver manufacturers, subwoofer only, car audio only. Otherwise, for instance, Italy would have more.)
(Sheet 1 is list of countries and manufacturers, alphabetical order.)
Countries with >=10 manufacturers:
(Not absolute, is work-in-progress. Excludes OEM/driver manufacturers, subwoofer only, car audio only. Otherwise, for instance, Italy would have more.)
(Sheet 1 is list of countries and manufacturers, alphabetical order.)
Countries with >=10 manufacturers: