Live Sound Quality & How do I know I'm not going to waste my money on a concert


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AVForums Grandmaster
Dec 10, 2010
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Its been my experience that the large majority of live music events (amplified ones) I attend has absolutely shockingly  bad sound.  :puke:
Why is this? Is pro-gear bad or is the guys setting it up useless?

In general these are my problems with it:
-Bass is overbearing to the extent that it detracts from the music and experience. You've got to be under the influence of something to manage to enjoy the sound.
- Its much too loud. Really. And I'm not that old. But if your ears hurt from the din, out goes my enjoyment.
- Voice sits so far back in the mix that they might as well lip sync.

Can someone who knows a bit about this sort of thing help? Why don't pro sound guys care about SQ? Or is it impossible? Or is the gear that bad?

Is there any why of knowing before hand that sound will be better than the low average? Like certain promoters or venues. Or musicians?