"In a directive published late on Friday (17 April), Higher education minister Blade Nzimande said that these goods have been added to the list of essential goods for the continued functioning of higher education institutions such as universities and colleges.
Nzimande said that the transport of these goods between suppliers and higher education institutions as well as between institutions and individuals will now be declared an essential service.
The list of items include:
Information and Communication Technology devices (such as desktops, laptops, modems and other devices) for education purposes;
That seems to exclude online retailers like Takealot selling and delivering to private/consumers...?
"In a directive published late on Friday (17 April), Higher education minister Blade Nzimande said that these goods have been added to the list of essential goods for the continued functioning of higher education institutions such as universities and colleges.
Nzimande said that the transport of these goods between suppliers and higher education institutions as well as between institutions and individuals will now be declared an essential service.
The list of items include:
Information and Communication Technology devices (such as desktops, laptops, modems and other devices) for education purposes;
That seems to exclude online retailers like Takealot selling and delivering to private/consumers...?