Looking for someone that can fix my Tandberg TP41 Radio?


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AVForums Super Veteran
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
St Helena Bay, WC
Hi everyone,

unfortunately I am electronically challenged, so everything sounds Hebrew to me when talking components.

I do have a soldering iron or two, as well as a multimeter or 5, but have no formal electronics training, or aptitude for that matter. So this makes me second guess myself when it comes to swapping out electronic components.

I do have this lovely Tandberg TP41 portable radio, which I really, really like. I bought it off Gumtree, but could hear all is not perfect. Apparently, these develop a known fault when the Stabistor or Stabilyt packs up and these are not available anymore. The symptoms in my case is, when I switch it on it sounds great for a few seconds, however the sound degrades very quickly and then just does not sound very good anymore - a little screechy maybe?

In the follow up model, Tandberg used the folowing in place of the proprietary Stabilyt:
It stabilizes the voltage to 1.5 Volts and can be replaced by two silicon diodes and one germanium diode in series (2 x 1N4148 + AA119) in parallel with 220 uF as in the successor TP43.

On eBay, I have seen what I think I need, but I'm not 100% certain it is the right stuff to get.

So, I need help please and have the following 3 choices as I see it:

1) Does anyone maybe have the above combination of components which I can buy from you and then implement myself;
2) if anyone has these parts available and are willing to do the job as well that will also be an option for me. I can send the radio to you, pay for the job and return sending?
3) I can run the eBay listings past you and get your advice if it is the right stuff for the job?

If you think you can help, please let me know.