There are devices available which measure overall home power consumption from the electricity DB board.
In an attempt to see what power individual appliances are drawing on standby and in use, I would like a meter with an SA 3 pin plug one side and a socket the other, which can be inserted between the wall plug and the appliance and indicate how many Watts are being used.
It can be done with a multimeter or two, and by calculating the product of Volts and Amps, but inserting the Ammeter in the circuit is a real ..ache
Anybody know of something like this in a single plug-in device ?
In an attempt to see what power individual appliances are drawing on standby and in use, I would like a meter with an SA 3 pin plug one side and a socket the other, which can be inserted between the wall plug and the appliance and indicate how many Watts are being used.
It can be done with a multimeter or two, and by calculating the product of Volts and Amps, but inserting the Ammeter in the circuit is a real ..ache
Anybody know of something like this in a single plug-in device ?