MARANTZ PM8005 & SA8005 - Opinions & Advice Regarding Stereo AV Setup Options?


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New member
Feb 4, 2016
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Hi there,

I would appreciate any and all recommendations and help/assistance from all you seasoned Audiophiles. Also curious to hear opinions on the gear etc. Should I keep 'em, change 'em or upgrade 'em?

Whats the verdict on the Marantz PM8005 (Integrated Stereo Amp) & Marantz SA8005 (SACD, DAC and iPhone/iPod Player) combo? Havent seen much talks on here about this combo and the search doesnt even bring up any results.

Initially I bought the above with a pair of B&W 683 S2's and a Pro-Ject RPM1 Carbon TT to only use as a dedicated Stereo Hifi setup but now I want this setup to include Video too and to be able to switch back and forth between Stereo Hifi and Video but not loosing Stereo quality for instance using only an AV receiver. I want the best of both worlds.

Here are a some questions:

Are there people out there that run Stereo Video setups instead of Surround only? Reason I ask is currently I can't really go crazy with volume as I am living in an apartment so until I move into my house (already have 2 x SVS 12 NSD's subs waiting for the surround setup and will add centre and backs then in a dedicated cinema / music room) few months down the line perhaps I could now do with just a Stereo AV setup with the 683s? If so which way can I setup the TV? Unfortunately the Samsung TV has no RCA Audio outs only Digital Optical Audio out so it won't work straight into the PM8005 as I was hoping to run RCA out from TV to RCA in on amp in say aux channel or whatever open channel. Would that mean I would have to buy an AV Receiver or perhaps just buy a new SUHD TV - but would a new SUHD TV have RCA Audio outs or is that too old school for such a new TV? If so perhaps the smallest entry level Marantz AV receiver or something else and use PM8005 for the fronts via its Power Amp Direct mode so I can use the PM8005 when listening Stereo and get the best sound instead of using an entry level AVR for Stereo and because I already own the PM8005? Whats my options here?

My main source would only be a PS4 and my Macbook Pro which has a built in Blu Ray writer/drive so no need for a seperate BD player as I am waiting for the Oppo UHD player to be released and then I will also buy a top of the line AVR and also perhaps because the PM8005 can be used in Power Amp Direct mode I will use it to drive the fronts as I dont see the point in letting go of it even if I get a nice AVR? Or perhaps I'm wrong in still wanting to keep the PM8005 if I buy an AVR and the SA8005 if I buy a OPPO UDP-203 4K/UHD Blu-Ray player or Marantz equivalent when they release one - no news from them yet. One option perhaps is to use the DAC on the SA8005 to connect my Macbook Pro via USB for audio and then connect the Macbook Pro to TV via HDMI for video only - but could this not create some lag and be out of synch when watching a movie. I don't know why I think this could happen but I wonder could it create problems? Anyway this will only work for the Macbook but not the PS4. Opinions/solutions? What's my options?

So I am basically waiting for the UHD BD players to be released so I can go full UHD 4K AV surround setup and by that time will be in my house and it will allow me to pump it as loud as I want.

What can I do in the meantime for the apartment setup to connect what I have? Macbook Pro as main source and PS4 as secondary source using the 683s with the TV in Stereo? Or is Stereo Video not advised as an option at all?

Thanks in advance! Look forward to hearing from you guys.
