Hello everyone! I would like to invite you all to visit danielhertz.com, our new online store open in many countries. You can buy Daniel Hertz equipment freight paid to your door with financing options and a money back guarantee (no one ever asked for one yet).
I want to tell you why we have created this online store. As you may know, I built the first high end audio dealer network in the world in the 1970's for Mark Levinson Audio Systems, and fully appreciate the value of listening before you buy, and getting expert advice from professionals in the field. But the fact is that most audio stores have a conflict selling Daniel Hertz products because if they do, they would find it difficult to sell products that are major profit centers.
Our new technology, developed over 15 years with $15 million investment, is extremely high performance and cost effective. For example, our Maria amplifier performs the functions of DAC, preamplifier, power amplifier, interconnect cables, headphone amplifier, and is WiFi and Bluetooth enabled, in a single elegant chassis. with sound quality that is beyond pure analog audio. Add up the cost of the equivalent separate components it replaces and you'll see the conflict. And because DH technology is scalable, we can offer more affordable products to put the best within reach of more people.
Most important, Daniel Hertz C Wave patent pending technology solves the digital problem. Everyone knows that digital audio is not as good as pure analog. DH is the only company that has found the problem, is able to measure it, and created a solution. This solution is embedded in every Maria amplifier so you get the sound and feeling of pure analog from digital content including streaming.
The digital problem cannot be measured with audio test equipment because it is not an audio problem, it is the way the brain reacts to the non-continuous waveform of digital audio. Analog is based on a continuous waveform but digital is not. DH C Wave technology fills in the spaces with original music information (not a sound effect) so the brain responds like to a continuous waveform.
Innovation usually is upsetting to the establishment. But to make progress, we need to make changes. This has been the basis of my 50 years work in audio. The sound of DH is the best of my career and has a lot to offer to the music community. We are creating a flagship DH store in Venice, Italy now. Someday there may be a DH store in South Africa!
We build DH products by hand in Venice, Italy with highest quality Italian parts. We are also in process of licensing our technology to companies in OEM car audio, consumer electronics, musical instrument amplifiers and the computer space.
We look forward to hearing from you!