Anyone have any good ideas on material for a DIY screen? Want it to be 3m * 1.6m.
Can't find any affordable local sources of proper screen cloth, so was looking at various options of blackout curtain material at Fionas in Randburg, which is either 80% or 100% blackout. It's R140-R200 per meter for 2-2.8m widths. Prefer the 100% but it has a slightly cream colour.
I s'pose I could wander around Oriental Plaza to find other options. Unless someone has a cunning suggestion.
Can't find any affordable local sources of proper screen cloth, so was looking at various options of blackout curtain material at Fionas in Randburg, which is either 80% or 100% blackout. It's R140-R200 per meter for 2-2.8m widths. Prefer the 100% but it has a slightly cream colour.
I s'pose I could wander around Oriental Plaza to find other options. Unless someone has a cunning suggestion.