Matrics, parties and Covid

  • Thread starter Swindlehurstguy
  • Start date

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Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but when I matriculated back in the 80's there were no major raves, well not unless my invitation ( not invite) got lost in the mail. Because the army was beckoning it was the first December I did not get a holiday job. Nowadays, it's raves and gap years. Heck, I never knew what a gap year was, let alone have one... I do have one question though, it seems as if hords of matrics are having rave parties and spreading covid... just what were they being taught at school, if there was ever an activity that was deserving of a tattoo on the forehead that reads STOOPID it's getting into close groups of hundreds as SA experiences it's worst COVID infection rate... here's your sign🤧 ...people keep sayinv common sense is not that common